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Minnesota Child Care Providers!

Complete Listing Site for Child Care Providers in Minnesota!

Find Child Care for Your Children!

"Dedicated to bringing providers together with those needing childcare!"


To be listed in our data base or on this website please fill out the following form online.  Once you click the send button it will go directly to our email address.  Payment than can be made from our website with your credit card through PAYPAL using the button below.  Once your payment is received your listing will appear.  Listings run for 1 year from the time they are received and placed on our site (will appear within 48 hours of received).

PRICE: $49.95

Special until October 31,2003 - $39.95

You will receive a renewal notice 30-60 days prior to your 1 year anniversary listing date by US Mail or email if provided.  We do not have a grace period, if payment is not received by your listing date your information will be deleted from our site.  We like our listings to be current for those needing providers.  Listings can be paid for securely with your credit card using our email address: childcareproviders@msn.com with PAYPAL or button provided (special price reflected with paypal).



Child Care Providers Of Minnesota Listing Form

All information must be filled in to provide our families with important information concerning your services.

Name or Business

Address ( will not appear in listing, for our records only)

City, State, & Zip


Phone #


Website URL (optional)

Private Home or Center

Licensed (yes or no)

Services provided (Full-time or Part-time)

Infant Care (yes or no)

Hours of Operation

Meals provided

Additional Comments or Services to add to listing

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Created & Published by Lee E. Noll

Copyright Ó 2003 Child Care Providers Of Minnesota

All Rights Reserved.